Saturday, January 23, 2010

So, if a guy yelling ';allah akbar'; throws a bomb into a barber shop?

after the owner was 'warned' by local muslim clerics to stop shaving off men's beards because it violated muslim law, how can we explain to the simpleton Arglebargle that the bombing was religiously motivated?So, if a guy yelling ';allah akbar'; throws a bomb into a barber shop?
We can't. Argle is a soul-less cat and not...shall we say ...playing with a full deck. He's going to hell for blasphemy so why worry about him deary!So, if a guy yelling ';allah akbar'; throws a bomb into a barber shop?
You'll have better luck getting your shoe to understand something than that clown.
Maybe Arglebargle will be in their getting a trim on his chin beard.
Well, seeing how such activities go down in Pakistan and not here, I could really care less.
Good luck. Authorities everywhere seem to only see what they want to see. There have been a number of shootings, a knifing and peole run over in the States -- the FBI sees ';No terrorist or Religious ties.';
So, if a simpleton yelling ';It's religiously motivated'; clearly knows nothing whatsoever about Muslims, how can we explain to him that he's uneducated?
Get Arglebargle to shave men's beards in the same place. St. Peter (or Cerberus) should be able to explains things.
Doesn't matter if it was or not. I think you have a larger problem to contend with: how do you physically identify those who hate you? What do they look like?
A good reason that all that live there be armed to the death so when you see that islamofascist running at your store you can drop him outside.

This example is purely religiously motivated.
well @ leasts you would know that he hails from the ';peace loving religion of islam';
But it WASN'T religiously motivated, don't you know?

Islam is a religion of peace.

If a bomb was thrown, then it was obviously because the barber was instilling crude Western ideas into the local culture, and had much more to do with the Crusades and the movie ';300'; than the religious beliefs of the bomb thrower.

We must respect sharia, and we must follow exactly sharia in all our dealings, even if WE are not muslim, because not following sharia might offend our muslim brethren, and CLEARLY offending our muslim brethren is much serious offense than throwing a bomb into a barber shop.

%26lt;sarcasm OFF%26gt;
It is a waste of time, arglebargle has no use for anything religious. She/He has stated his/her lack of belief on numerous occasions.
As I said - no one was hurt. Was it closed? Was it his ex-wife? PROOF isn't what you WANT to believe. Back to the fantasy noise machine in your head dude. Ya got bupkus.

*Who mentioned Bush? Just diverting the conversation like a good truther eh? I'm not for bombings or violence of any kind, but I am against genocidal apologists who paste some links in as PROOF an entire culture is evil and should be destroyed/converted/attacked. We have a word for that - it's called insane.
  • neutrogena
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